2012 Date Change
We’re thinking about moving the reunion another week toward the end of May so that school is out. Several family members have grandchildren in school so they aren’t able to attend the 3rd week in May. What do you think?
We’re thinking about moving the reunion another week toward the end of May so that school is out. Several family members have grandchildren in school so they aren’t able to attend the 3rd week in May. What do you think?
Be sure to remind everyone that the reunion is coming up. Be sure to call Barbara if you have questions about what to bring or want to help with expenses. There will be one quilt for raffle. The quilt raffle helps pay for the event.
The 2010 reunion is just around the corner on May 15, 2010. Don’t forget the quilt raffle. There will be two cotton quilts this year. I don’t have pictures but hope to soon. Contact Barbara to buy tickets.  As most of you know the quilt tops are made by Mildred and Barbara finishes them.
Don’t forget the Seymour reunion is coming up on May 19, 2012. This may be our last reunion for awhile so we decided to gather some goodies for souvenirs. We don’t have a quilt this year but we do have 5 lap blankets and 3 bags which have been embroidered with the date. They will…
Attendance has decreased over the past couple of years so Sherry is reevaluating where we go from here. Be sure to check back often to see if there is anything new.
The date is set and the facility is reserved. The 2011 Seymour Reunion will once again be at the Apache Community Center on Main Street, Apache, OK. The date is May 21, 2011 so MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
It’s that time of year again! Be sure to put the date on your calendar May 21, 2011, Apache Community Center, Apache, Oklahoma. We look forward to seeing everyone again this year. We didn’t mail anything this year so we’re counting on word of mouth to get everyone there. Bring your favorite dishes and check…